** Compiling Proton and its examples on the Raspberry Pi with OpenGL 2** Test with the latest Raspberry Pi OS and RetroPi as of June 9th, 2023. These should run both in the desktop GUI, or directly from bash. (Fullscreen) I guess it's all identical to running on Ubuntu Linux/etc these days, no special stuff is needed. First, install some tools/libs you'll need: sudo apt-get install cmake zlib1g-dev sudo apt-get install libsdl2-2.0-0 libsdl2-dev Don't forget git! sudo apt-get install git Next, install Proton. cd ~ git clone https://github.com/SethRobinson/proton.git Now let's build Proton's RTPack utility, will come in handle later to build and optimize resources. cd ~/proton/RTPack/linux sh linux_compile.sh Now let's compile and run RTBareBones: cd ~/proton/RTBareBones/linux sh linux_compile.sh cd ../bin ./RTBareBones If that worked, enjoy the spinning triangle and text stretching! It got 300+ fps on my Pi 4. Starting it from an ssh session worked for me as well. Now let's do RTSimpleApp, same thing but it needs SDL2_mixer for its audio, so let's get that installed: sudo apt-get install libsdl2-mixer-dev Great. Now we compile and run like before, but we're adding a step - compiling media with the RTPack utility. cd ~/RTSimpleApp/linux sh linux_compile.sh cd ../media sh update_media.sh cd ../bin ./RTSimpleApp If that worked, enjoy the app. If it didn't... off to the forums and yell at Seth! === Note from Dec 3rd, 2023 === I updated things so pulseaudio is used by default instead of alsa when compiling on a pi, this fixes audio on the latest Raspberry Pi OS. (in AudioManagerSDL.cpp) === State of Proton on the Pi === Hint: Using the RetroPi dist? You can edit the text file **/opt/retropie/configs/all/autostart.sh** and comment out where it runs emulationstation and change that to run your own app - or nothing at all, so it drops into the shell on boot. An easy way to replace the boot splash is replacing **/opt/retropie/supplementary/splashscreen/retropie-default.png**