==== Installing the FMOD library and setting it up in the Windows MSVC RTSimpleApp project ==== For legal reasons I can't include FMOD with the sdk, but it's very easy to download and copy into the right place. First [[http://www.fmod.org/index.php/download|download the Windows 32 bit version of FMOD]] and install somewhere. (it's ok if you have a 64 bit version of windows) Locate the directory it installed with file explorer and cut and paste the entire "api" directory into
/shared/win/fmod Oh, and also copy fmodex.dll from the api directory into
/RTSimpleApp/bin or else you'll get a dll not found error. Now open the RTSimpleApp MSVC project and do the following: Locate shared/Audio/AudioManagerFMOD.h and Shared/Audio/AudioManagerFMOD.cpp in the solution source tree. Highlight them, right click and set "Excluded from build" to no. Edit near the top of App.cpp. Change: #include "Audio/AudioManagerAudiere.h" AudioManagerAudiere g_audioManager; //Use Audiere for audio //#include "Audio/AudioManagerFMOD.h" //AudioManagerFMOD g_audioManager; //if we wanted FMOD sound in windows to: //#include "Audio/AudioManagerAudiere.h" //AudioManagerAudiere g_audioManager; //Use Audiere for audio #include "Audio/AudioManagerFMOD.h" AudioManagerFMOD g_audioManager; //if we wanted FMOD sound in windows That's it. FMOD will now be used for audio.